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About Us

Founded by Kevin Tarque and joined by his brother Matias Tarque, they embarked on this journey to meet the growing demand for top-quality media services in the real estate and architectural market. With a wide range of experience in the real estate industry, their company has a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by architecture firms and developers. 

Incorporated in 2020, SoCal Virtual Tours offers a diverse range of services, including virtual tours, renderings, aerial imagery, animations, and walkthrough videos. We take pride in our ability to relate to our clients’ needs due to our firsthand experience in the real estate industry. Our team has a firm grasp of the Southern California market, providing valuable insights to our clients. We understand that conveying the potential of our innovative technologies can be challenging in an industry that often relies on traditional methods. However, they are committed to expanding the horizons of real estate media and advancing digital solutions for the benefit of our clients and the industry as a whole.

SoCal Virtual Tours stands out from the competition in two key ways. First, their team possesses in-depth knowledge of the real estate connections. Instead of relying solely on impersonal marketing tactics, they invest their resources in building direct relationships with their clients. By fostering a friendly and trusting environment, they ensure that their clients feel comfortable communicating their needs, concerns, and questions. Together, they strive to enhance the quality of real estate media services and create a positive impact on the industry as a whole industry, allowing them to offer tailored solutions that address the unique requirements of their clients. Second, they prioritize personal connections. Instead of relying solely on impersonal marketing tactics, they invest our resources in building direct relationships with their clients. By fostering a friendly and trusting environment, they ensure that their clients feel comfortable communicating their needs, concerns, and questions. Together, they strive to enhance the quality of real estate media services and create a positive impact on the industry as a whole.